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MEDca Pop-Up Weekly Pill Organizer, Single Box and 4 Daily Compartments

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EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN: The pill organizer has a contoured design for easy pill removal. It includes 7 Individual day marked pill organizers for every day of the week.. The box comes in bright and attractive colors.
VERSATILE: Our Each individual day pill organizer houses for compartments for morning, noon, evening, and bedtime. With this you need not worry about tracking your consumption.
CONVENIENT AND EASY TO USE: This weekly pill reminder comes with snap lids that indicate the day of the week with letter. Its lids are translucent, so you’ll know if you have taken your medicine without opening the lid. Once you open the lid the daily pill organizer will pop up.



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EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN: The pill organizer has a contoured design for easy pill removal. It includes 7 Individual day marked pill organizers for every day of the week.. The box comes in bright and attractive colors.
VERSATILE: Our Each individual day pill organizer houses for compartments for morning, noon, evening, and bedtime. With this you need not worry about tracking your consumption.
CONVENIENT AND EASY TO USE: This weekly pill reminder comes with snap lids that indicate the day of the week with letter. Its lids are translucent, so you’ll know if you have taken your medicine without opening the lid. Once you open the lid the daily pill organizer will pop up.
PERFECT MEDI-PLANNER: The organizer allows you to plan your 7 day medication for 4 meals a day. It helps you make sure that you haven’t missed any dose.
HIGHLY DURABLE: Our pill box is made of rugged and durable plastic, guaranteed to last for a lifetime. Also, it’s lightweight and small, and hence travel-friendly.

Specificaties: MEDca Pop-Up Weekly Pill Organizer, Single Box and 4 Daily Compartments



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